Why choose Allianz Life Insurance

In addition to Allianz Life Insurance, you can arrange for one of the supplemental insurance packages as financial help for medical treatment.
Each supplemental insurance provides additional protection for you and your family.
Allianz Život
Option 1
Allianz Život
Option 2
The amount payable to the policyholder at the end of the contractual period of the insurance policy.
The amount payable to the policyholder at the end of the contractual period of the insurance policy.
Payout in the case of natural death
200 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
300 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
Payout in the event of death by accident
400 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
600 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
Payout in the event of death due to a traffic accident
600 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
900 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
Payout in the case of childbirth
3 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
3 % of the agreed amount upon reaching the maturity of the policy.
Allianz Life Insurance – arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

Allianz Life Insurance policy can be used as a loan repayment guarantee at a bank

You can pay the premium annually, semi-annually, quarterly and monthly, with a payment slip or authorized withdrawal
Allianz is a partner you can trust
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Allianz Life Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
Other insurances that you can arrange in addition to Allianz Life are: Accident + Hospital Fee, Severe illness (narrow coverage) + Hospital Fee, Severe illness (wider coverage) and NutriFit.
You can pay annually, semi-annually, quarterly and monthly with a payment slip or authorized withdrawal. You can also make a change in the amount of savings and death benefit without contracting a new policy.
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We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you with the best possible insurance for your situation.

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