Why choose Allianz Private Liability Insurance

Get to know, what's included in Allianz Private Liability Insurance
Learn more about the contents of the package
Private Liability Insurance
Unintentional damage to third parties
Damage caused by your pet
Damage inadvertently caused by your child
Injuries or death of third parties caused by your negligence
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Allianz Private Liability Insurance - arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

Insure yourself from private liability in the event of an accident while playing sports, using your bicycle or in other everyday situations

Get Personal Liability Insurance and enjoy what you love carelessly
Allianz is a partner you can trust
Do you want to file a claim?
We especially recommend Private Liability Insurance to recreational athletes, parents with small children and anyone who has pets.
The reason is that in recreational activities (whether extreme sports or not) damage to third parties can often occur.
In addition to you, the insurance policy also insures your spouse, a common-law partner or a life partner who lives with you at the same address, as well as your children up to the age of 28.
Do you need help?
We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you with the best possible insurance for your situation.

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