Why choose Allianz Vessel Insurance

Learn more about the contents of the package
Vessel Insurance
Liability for damage due to the death of a third party while operating the vessel
Liability for injury to the body or health of a third party while operating the vessel
Liability for damage or destruction of third party’s property while operating the vessel
Responsibility for the personal belongings of passengers in the cabin
Liability for damage caused by the Insured's activity during the use of the vessel for private purposes
Allianz Vessel Insurance - arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

Secure you vessel, as well as anyone on board

The lowest insured amount to insure passengers in public transport from the consequences of an accident is HRK 40,000 for accidental death, or HRK 80,000 for permanent disability
Allianz is a partner you can trust both on land and at sea
Do you want to file a claim?
Vessel Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
The policy can be arranged for the period of twelve months.
If the insured vessel is being rented, it is possible to additionally insure it against the risk of fraud or evasion, the risk of loss of income or the risk of seizure of the vessel.
The Allianz Nautic Card provides Sea Help services: towing, start-up assistance, fuel delivery, spare parts delivery, weather and navigation advice. We give the Allianz Nautic Card to clients who arrange Casco Vessel Insurance.
Do you need help?
We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you with the best possible insurance for your situation.

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