Allianz Prospekt Jednokratni Insurance policy offers you two basic packages.

You have two choices, and both are right.

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Payment in the case of death
The agreed amount is equal to the premium increased by the market value of the policy.
The amount is greater than two values: the premium paid or the market value of the policy.
Payment in the event of death by accident
The agreed amount is equal to the premium increased by the market value of the policy.
The amount is greater than two values: the premium paid or the market value of the policy + 200 % of the premium paid.
Feature short description
Feature short description

Allianz Prospekt Jednokratni Insurance – arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

You can invest money, which is then taken over by Allianz Invest's managers and invest it further into stocks and bonds
The policyholder bears the risk of investing
Allianz is a partner you can trust

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Allianz Prospekt Jednokratni Frequently Asked Questions

The Allianz Portfolio mixed fund is intended for individuals and legal entities with a long-term investment on the horizon and greater risk tolerance.
All people between the ages of 18 and 55 who are thinking about protecting their family.
You can arrange Allianz Prospect One-Time at Allianz and Zagrebačka banka branches. When arranging the insurance policy in Allianz, the funds are invested in a mixed investment fund Allianz Portfolio, and if you arrange the product in Zagrebačka banka, your funds will be, depending on your choice, invested through the equity fund ZB euroaktiv or bond fund ZB bond.

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