Why choose Allianz Complementary Health Insurance

Allianz Complementary Health Insurance offers you two packages of coverage
Regardless of which Complementary Health Insurance package you choose, it is possible to arrange additional coverage
Learn more about the contents of the package
Basic package
A list of medicines
Expanded package
A+B list of medicines
Dispensing a prescription medicine from the supplementary B list of medicines - a maximum of 2 boxes per medicine
If you purchase an Extended package that includes coverage for supplements for medicines from the supplementary list of medicines, the insurer covers a maximum of two boxes of the original packaging for each medicine from the B list in one insurance year. We cover a valid list of medications at the time of the insured event
Are you interested in our product?
Monthly premium per package
Basic package
A list of medicines
Expanded package
A+B list of medicines
18 - 40 years old
5,97 EUR/45 kn
8,63 EUR/65 kn
41 - 60 years old
8,63 EUR/65 kn
12,61 EUR/95 kn
61+ years old
22,56 EUR/170 kn
33,18 EUR/250 kn
Allianz Complementary Health Insurance - arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

Allianz is a partner you can trust

Supplemental Health Insurance is fully digitalized

Allianz Supplemental Health Insurance policy gives you a digital card as a payment method
Do you want to file a claim?
Complementary Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
For an additional fee, you can also arrange the m-Doctor service, home care or a daily fee for hospital treatment due to an accident or illness. Of course, you can contract all of the three mentioned.
People over the age of 18 who care about their health, have compulsory health insurance and want to insure themselves against potentially high co-payments in health care costs.
Second medical opinion can be arranged with home care coverage.
Do you need help?
We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you with the best possible insurance for your situation.

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