Allianz Prospekt Višekratni Insurance offers you three different investment strategies.

Depending on the investment fund you choose, the payout on insurance varies.

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Payout in the case of natural death
The agreed amount in the case of death or the market value of the policy - whichever is higher.
Payout in the event of death by accident
The agreed amount in the case of death or the market value of the policy, whichever is higher + one agreed amount more.
Payout in the event of death due to a traffic accident
The agreed amount in the case of death or the market value of the policy, whichever is higher + two agreed amounts more.
Cash surrender value of the policy
The market value of the investment fund basket on the payout day.

Allianz Prospekt Multiple Insurance – arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

You can expand the policy with supplemental insurance for your children
The policyholder bears the risk of investing!
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Allianz Prospekt Višekratni Frequently Asked Questions

The minimum annual payment is 450 euros, and can be paid in annual, monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments.
Allianz Prospect Multiple Insurance is recommended for those who want to financially protect their family in the event of their death, but also for younger employed people who want to ensure a more peaceful old age for themselves. This insurance includes all the benefits of multiple recurring investments in investment funds.
They are paid in the event of the death of the Insured, in the event of the death of the insured due to an accident or traffic accident or in the event of the buyut of the Insurance.

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