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Coverage for damage to insurance items
Coverage for loss of insurance items
Coverage for damage caused by transport delays
Coverage for damage caused by improper loading

Transport Insurance - arrange your policy in a quick and easy way!

One can additionally arrange coverage for war damage, strikes, fire and risks depending on the natural properties of the goods
The Insured's liability for domestic transport is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act
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Transport Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Damages caused due to the Insured's intentional course of action or gross negligence, damages caused due to lack of packaging or due to the delivery of goods to an unauthorized person, damage to shipments owned by the Insured, etc.


The Insured's liability in domestic transport is to be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act. In the case of international transport, it is to be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR Convention).


If the Insured wants to cover their liability for an individual transport and for more than the amount of insurance stated in the policy, they can arrange additional insurance for a specific transport and pay an additional premium.


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